
The Expanded Consciousness Institute offers customized packaging of seminars and the EC Prism product tailored to our client's specific domains.

The lectures and seminars offered in various formats. Among these are:

Executive overview
Staff technology training

The EC Prism product is  used during the lectures to illustrate both teaching examples and also to illustrate the client specific issues and concerns. The product is demonstrated live in front of the whole group so everybody walks away with an understanding of both the theory and the use of automated tools that can be immediately applied.

The lectures and seminars are offered both on-site at the clients location, and also in a virtual mode. In both cases prior to delivering the various lectures all the attendees have a copy of the recently published book 'Expanded Consciousness' and also the automated Prism tool installed at their site.

The presentations are given a theme of the clients choosing which provide a applicable examples from the clients environment. All of this is customized prior to the seminars delivery.

Typical client themes used to illustrate the Expanded Consciousness technology the following:
Cyber security
Quality assurance
Corporate mission statements
Reverse engineering
System testing

A popular theme is the client's most demanding challenge -- this provides a real upshot to all the presentations and the client walks away with the critical elements of a strategic plan.